(931) 526-2177

Movies with Meaning

Join us for monthly movie viewing with a boxed lunch and led discussion.

Have you ever watched a documentary or profoundly challenging movie and wished to have a conversation about the content or maybe you wished for ways to apply what you’ve learned?  Each month we are hosting a movie viewing to use as a discussion starter for challenging topics.   We may not have the complete answer but we want to offer an opportunity to wrestle with the topics and work together to find ways to contribute to the change we want to see.

November 28

Watch Hungry For Love - Homeless Documentary | Prime Video

Hungry for Love

6 p.m. in Jeff Wall Hall

Hungry For Love is a forty-five minute documentary about the daily needs and struggles of the homeless population in parts of North Carolina. Through this film, we travel to Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas. We take a look at what the daily struggles of homelessness are, and how they get by day after day. We dive into personal stories, and struggles.



Movie Reservations

7 + 4 =

165 E. Broad St., Cookeville, TN 38501