(931) 526-2177

What We Believe

A Christian disciple is someone who is in the process of taking their personal story and rooting it in the story of God – a story of GRACE. As United Methodists, we have a long heritage that began with English pastor John Wesley. Wesley’s focus was on grace and holiness – how grace is a part of our lives from the moment we are born and how we grow in holiness and love as a response. At Cookeville First UMC, everything we do revolves around the promises of grace that are revealed through the life of Jesus.


Grace and the Work of the Church

At Cookeville First UMC, we explore grace and the work of the church in four ways. In Luke 10:27, Jesus teaches us the very basics of the Christian faith: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. And you must love your neighbor as yourself.” We group all of our actions and activities in each of these categories to ensure a balanced Christian life.

Sharing the story of grace in the heart of town!

Click on each picture below to learn more!

Grace Upon Grace

In his recent sermon series, Dr. Kevin Conrad explored the heritage of grace that defined the Methodist Movement.  Click here to read the sermons and learn more about we express grace, salvation, and Christian living!





165 E. Broad St., Cookeville, TN 38501