Wednesday Night Small Group Sign-Ups
Scroll down to learn more information and sign up for our first 5 to Thrive Small Group Session!
We’re excited to offer wonderful opportunities for learning and fellowship for the first of our two five-week sessions beginning the first Wednesday of September. Take a look at our offerings and join us! Sign up below!

Short-Term Disciple Study
Join us for Invitation to the Old Testament, a ten-week exploration of the ancient scriptures from the writers of the well-known Disciple Bible Study. Gather for group discussions, prayer, and community.
Led by Larry Epps Room B214
6-7 p.m.

One in a MIllion

131 Christians Everyone Should Know
A succinct yet thorough introduction to 131 of the most intriguing, courageous, inspiring Christians who ever lived. Learn how they lived, what they believed, and how their faith affected the course of world history.
Led by Dr. Kevin Conrad Christian Life Center
5:30 – 6 p.m.

Creation Care
How do we show our love for God and neighbor by being faithful caretakers of God’s glorious creation? This class explores the concerns and practical actions we can take to do our part to express our faith through the proper care of God’s creation.
Led by Mark Green Jeff Wall Hall
6-6:30 p.m.

Hands-On Service
Each week provides an opportunity to demonstrate our love of Christ through our hands and feet. Join us as we get our hands dirty, assisting those in need in our community and beyond!
Led by Tamika Parker Freeman Building Garage
6-6:30 p.m.

9-Square in the Air
A fun game for all ages! Come together for fellowship and a new volleyball experience with our church family. No experience necessary – just come and play!
Led by Clinton Wheeler Freeman Building Gym
6-6:30 p.m.

Men's Pick-Up Basketball
Building fellowship through playing together! Join us for a (not so) intense game of pickup ball in our Freeman building gym!
6-7 p.m.

Take a Walk in the Park
Early Fall is a great time to be outside! Join our walking group for few minutes to enjoy being together outside each week for a few quiet moments.
Led by Janet Coonce Dogwood Park
6-6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Night Small Group Sign-Ups
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165 E. Broad St., Cookeville, TN 38501