(931) 526-2177

Peanut and Tree Nut Allergy

Voluntary Guidelines Based on CDC Recommendations

Introduction and Purpose

Our voluntary guidelines for managing food allergies are intended to support implementation of food allergy management and prevention plans and practices here at Cookeville FUMC. They will provide practical information, planning steps and strategies for reducing allergic reactions and responding to life-threatening reactions.

Cookeville FUMC Peanut and Tree Nut Allergy Guidelines

  1. Take steps to minimize exposure.
  2. Prepare for food allergy emergencies.
  3. Provide guidance and direction to the Cookeville FUMC staff about maintaining a food allergen safe environment.
  4. Informing parents of children and youth who participate in Cookeville FUMC ministry events of the purpose and procedures.

Children and Youth

The children and youth coordinators, in conjunction with Cookeville FUMC Mission and Ministry Team, will develop procedures to minimize nut allergen exposure of children participating in their ministries.  This will include, but is not limited to, Nursery, Sunday School, Choir Club and Children and Youth Worship (i.e. when they are under the supervision of Cookeville FUMC children and youth ministry workers or volunteers, rather than the direct supervision of their parents).

Children and Youth Procedures

  • Labeling children and youth education rooms with signs indicating that nut products are prohibited in the rooms.
  • Requiring that parents of participants in Cookeville FUMC children or youth ministry disclose whether their children have any allergies and if so, the identity of the allergens, the severity of the child’s reaction, the doctor recommended steps that should be taken in the event of exposure and all medications including EpiPens be given to staff to have in case of exposure.
  • Request that children wear a nametag that lists their allergens.
  • Providing peanut and tree nut free meals and snacks to children and youth at all events and meals that are provided during which time they are under the supervision of church staff and volunteers.

Church—Wide Event Procedures

  • At church-wide events that provide a meal, all children under the age of 12 must be under the direct supervision of their parents. Therefore, it is the parent’s responsibility to assess the risk of exposure of sensitive children to allergens, and to take appropriate steps to minimize or eliminate that exposure.
  • For church-wide events at which the food being served is under the direct control of the coordinator, the coordinator shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the food is nut allergen free.
  • For church-wide events at which the food is provided by participants, the coordinator shall request that all items be nut free foods.  However, for this type of event, all attendees should be advised that although participants have all been asked to contribute only nut free foods, Cookeville FUMC can not guarantee the absence of nuts in the food being served. Therefore, all participants, but especially the parents of children with nut allergies, are   advised to use their own judgement in determining which foods their children may  safely eat.

These guidelines are an act of service by the congregation of Cookeville FUMC to our members and visitors who may be sensitive to peanut and tree nut allergens. We will follow our procedures  and prevention plan to minimize the risk to nut allergen sensitive individuals.  Nothing in these voluntary guidelines should be understood that Cookeville First United Methodist Church assumes liability in the event of a nut-related allergic reaction.


165 E. Broad St., Cookeville, TN 38501