Backsliders – A class for men and women who enjoy different speakers each Sunday presenting a variety of topics with a biblically based theme. Meets in Jeff Wall Hall (JWH).
Bible Focus – A lecture and discussion class, open to all ages, that seeks to understand and apply the biblical message through a Bible-based curriculum. Meets in room B206.
Young Adult / College Class – This class is tailored for those just out of high school or college. The class participates in projects and activities together, in addition to Sunday morning. Meets in C113.
Covenant – This middle-age group of couples and singles studies the Bible and various Christian topics in a format which encourages sharing and discussion. Meets in room B214.
Crossroads – Inter-generational group of couples and singles studying varying topics. Meets in Wesley Chapel.
Foundation – A class whose members have middle-school aged children to college-aged children. They study how the Bible relates to their lives. Meets in room B012.
Hall Bible Class – Adult Bible studies for singles and couples of varying ages. Meets in room C112.
Invitation to the Bible – An introduction to topics in the Bible. Meets in B213.
Pathfinders – This class of mature adults have different teachers/speakers every week and discusses spiritual and religious topics. Meets in room C201 (the Parlor).
Thoughtful Christians -A small intergenerational class of adults who study various topics in a discussion format, including Wesleyan theology, current issues and spiritual growth and development. Meets in room B017.
Wesley Class – This class is made up of age 50+ singles and couples who study various subjects from the Bible along with social issues and family relationships. Meets in B210 .
Room and Building Designations:
B room numbers are in the Freeman Building
C room numbers and JWH are in the Sanctuary Building