(931) 526-2177


Core Values

At Cookeville First, we name four values as core to our expression of the Christian Faith.


Connection is all about our Christian community, where we learn about feeding our souls through being beloved and belonging; it’s about care and sharing life and faith together. By connecting in a holy way, we find a sense of belonging – move to a deeper discipleship with Christ through the church – and then begin our formal relationship with the church through the gift of membership.


Worship is the way we connect our hearts with God through our thankfulness, praise and shared experience. We have two worship services at Cookeville First – our 9 a.m. casual service in the gym and our traditional service at 10:55 a.m. in the sanctuary.


Jesus calls us to be servants, and our goal is to find ways to share in “hands-on” service! Each month we have a special emphasis that allows us to share our resources in a needed area in our community. Along with God’s Food Pantry and our Disaster Relief Team, we have numerous options for you depending upon your gifts and interests.

Learn & Grow

Cookeville First claims a grace-based theology and discipleship. We work passionately to develop our minds toward the meaning of grace and how it works in our lives. The UMC tradition is marked by a reliance on grace as the key to our life as Christians and our salvation. Cookeville First offers numerous opportunities to learn, including an online resource called Discipleship University, where you can find resources to help you in your journey.

165 E. Broad St., Cookeville, TN 38501